Vision Of Life Eternal – 3

Vision Of Life Eternal – 3,  By Mota Maharaj

An excerpt from p.92-93
Mota’s Website:

Pujya Sree Mota Maharaj
Pujya Sree Mota Maharaj

Hari Om
There is a very great difference between longing and fidgeting. Longing creates a great incentive to pursue one’s spiritual desire. It is a strong but silent feeling settled in the heart. Longing is indispensable for gaining anything. But fidgeting is definitely harmful. It always means asking oneself the question “To gain my objective which is the better course, this or that?” and feeling dejected at the results. You may, if you like, give up all other sadhana except that of God’s remembrance. But you must cease to worry about anything. If you stick to only one kind of sadhana — that of incantation with all your heart and mind — and continue to practice it with consistent deep sincerity, then sadhana is not merely sufficient, it is excellent. By that single means of sadhana, the result is bound to be what you wish it to be. But nursing dejection and grief over the failure of a particular sadhana, (e.g. inability to do tratak owing to weak eyes) will leave you with an inferiority complex and a loss of self-confidence which is very harmful and improper. Do whatever you like, but do it with faith and self-confidence. If you can’t do a certain type of sadhana, it is best to give it up altogether.
But we must never lose sight of the ideal state of meditation which we want to reach. That very high state is still a far cry away for us — but we should not lose heart. Acquiring that state demands incessant, warm-hearted practice done with the correct knowledge and devotion. When the practice of sadhana is uninterrupted and lively for a long, long time, we will reach that high state of meditation we cherish. All the same, be sure of the truth of the following solace given in Manane (To The Mind… a poem by Mota).
No matter if the Path ahead
Seems too long and almost endless
And what you have traversed, short;
Be sure you will gather speed
As you proceed along.

To The Mind – 49
Why then this uneasiness and despair?

One of the solitude rooms at Nadiad ashram, Gujarat, India
One of the solitude rooms at Nadiad ashram, Gujarat, India

The Mystical Life and Sadhana of Mota Maharaj (Bhagat)2

Love — the Supreme Sadhana
If the love that rises in your heart for this jiva is not channeled into the sadhana, is it not right to regard this feeling as a mere soap-bubble? Love (for the Guru) is shakti — divine power — and the best means of sadhana for you. On occasion, your heart stirs with love for me. If during and after that period of warmth, your heart is concentrated on me — is entwined in me — that flow in your heart can be termed as worthy and proper. Anyone’s inordinate love for someone else makes that lover’s heart (spontaneously) concentrate on his loved one. Such one-pointed love for anybody creates close affinity between the two. Love mellows all differences and aloofness between the pair. Beaming love for me generates shakti in you. Please remember to make it useful in your sadhana.